
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Ep 248: Game-Time Birth Decisions with Katelyn and Thomas Fusco
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
- Leigh Anne and Colton were confident and excited in their decision to give birth at home from a logical standpoint, but this didn't mean that there weren't mental aspects that had to be considered and dealt with during the end of her second pregnancy. Leigh Anne had loving, well-meaning family around her who were truly concerned for her decision to give birth at home. I loved how Leigh Anne was able to consider the WHY behind the actions and feelings of the people closest to her. Listen, not everyone is going to agree with your choices in birth.... just as they won't for the rest of motherhood. It comes with the territory. But being able to pull the positive meaning from something without changing your own decisions is an incredible skill, and Leigh Anne showed that quite gracefully.
- Some of us KNOW that we're homebirthers well before we get pregnant. We're confident, we're on fire and ready to go. On the other hand, some of us are more tentative. Maybe we see the benefits and accept them, and yet we still have aspects to work through. You're both welcome here. My prayer is that you'll gain courage and encouragement through these stories, yes, but even moreso my desire is to serve you on a deeper level by being able to walk through preparation with you. Whether that's in Happy Homebirth Academy or The Homebirth Collective, my desire is to have you excitedly anticipating the experience that is to come.
- And finally, decision-making. My friends, I've said it before and I'll say it again. We can't control every outcome. We can, however control our mindset. We can control how we make decisions. When we remember that we ALWAYS have a choice and we GET to make the choice that's best for us, even if it doesn't feel like a super fun choice-- like transferring care to a new provider 8 weeks before birth, or transporting to the hospital when we have extended fetal heart decelerations-- we still get to decide what we're going to do. And when we can OWN that choice, we are able to maintain our agency in the situation. We can look back confidently on our choices and feel proud of what we did with the information we had. Just like Leigh Anne and Colton.
Araza Beauty: Code HOMEBIRTH for 15% off

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Araza Beauty: Code HOMEBIRTH for 15% off

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Encore: Birthing Instincts With Dr. Stu
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
The wait is almost over, are you ready for the Fall2023 season of Happy Homebirth?
Join me from your favorite podcast platform on September4 for our first brand new episode and mark your calendars for September 18, when my husband and I will be sitting down to tell all about our most recent birth experience.
It is completely unlike our previous experiences, and you don't want to miss it.
- 10 or so years into his career, Dr. Stu made a choice. He decided to recognize the fact that the way he'd been caring for patients did not align with the new knowledge and perspective that he was gaining. Honestly, it could have been a lot easier, a lot more comfortable for him to have stuck his head in the sand, continued down the ol' path of typical obstetric care and never be faced with the discomfort of change. I'm so grateful that he didn't do that.
- It's important that we listen to medical professionals--who have seen how things work on the inside-- when they share that things are often not done for the best interest of the patient. Of course, I'm sure many of this know this, but experiential knowledge is a whole other kind of knowledge. Dr. Stu was pushed out of his hospital position and privlidge because he wouldn't cow to the mainstream model. How frustrating to hear that those who DO truly care for the patient are often the first ones to be removed.
- And finally, let's end on something to consider and meditate on: You, the mother, should be the one deciding the risks you are willing to take. Yes, it is incredible to have trusted advisors and providers, but the authority of how and where and with whom you give birth should remain in your hands. You have options.

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
The wait is almost over, are you ready for the Fall2023 season of Happy Homebirth?
Join me from your favorite podcast platform on September4 for our first brand new episode and mark your calendars for September 18, when my husband and I will be sitting down to tell all about our most recent birth experience.
It is completely unlike our previous experiences, and you don't want to miss it.
- I promise I didn’t pay Rachael to talk about this— But the topic just keeps coming up, and I know it’s vitally important. The concept that we can choose not to feel like victims of our birthing experiences. We can ready ourselves for the balancing act of both birth preparation and feminine wildness, and we can positively claim our birth stories, no matter the specifics of how they unfold.
- I love the concept of honoring these rites of passage in order to more deeply appreciate the beauty in our day to day being. The element of presence in each moment— wow, it just adds such depth to every experience, both big and small.
- Finally… unpack your baggage. I love the emphasis Rachael puts on finding a way that works for you to heal yourself in pregnancy. You know, gestation is such a time of transformation already, adding this highly important work of healing only makes sense in such a time, and it seems to reason that our minds are already in a place of willingness to take on such a task. As she mentioned, there are so many ways we can approach healing, so find what works for you. Counseling, Rachael’s course, self-directed. During my second pregnancy I found such great healing and fear release through reading the Psalms. But whatever you choose, set the intention to heal those wounds and I know the results will overwhelm you.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Encore: Homebirth and Chiropractic Wisdom With Dr. Courtney Kahla
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
- I loved the way that Dr. Courtney approached the selection of her care provider. Yes, there were a number of providers in her area that she liked and trusted, but she knew that she needed someone who was going to be comfortable with the informed decisions she was planning to make during her pregnancy and labor. She knew the right questions to ask. “What would cause me to risk out of care with you? What procedures would you be uncomfortable with me declining?” Knowing what you want in a care provider before you walk in for the interview makes this so much easier. Make sure you check out episodes 157 and 159 if you’re looking for more specific help in this area. I’ll link those below.
- I really appreciate the discussion of how vulnerable we are to ideas in labor. Dr. Kahla knew she wanted to fully listen to her body, but when her midwife gave her the very loving tip of giving a few pushes if she wanted— Dr. Courtney did, even though outside of labor she had adamantly wanted to experience Fetal Ejection Reflex on her own. Listen, midwives are human and like Dr. Courtney said, this was totally well-intentioned. But it does go to show us that nobody outside of your body can feel what’s going on inside of your body as well as you can— This is a great lesson for all of us to learn from. If your midwife gives you advice, it can be really easy to just go along with it— of course—we trust them— but remember to trust yourself, too. Listen to the advice, but then try to take a moment before you accept it just because you think that’s what you’re supposed to do.
- And finally, wow. Labor can be so, so mental. Dr. Courtney, the mother that her midwife said she had ZERO worries about desiring to transfer because of her endurance and grit, got to a vulnerable place where she needed her team’s support and reminder that she could, in fact, do this thing. And do it, she did.

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Encore: Simplifying Birth, Simplifying Childhood with Ginny Yurtich
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
- The people who surround us can play such a huge role in our decisions. When we look back at Ginny’s first birth, she was considering an elective c section, as her friend very much enjoyed hers. But then, her brother’s roommate introduced her to the work of Ina May Gaskin, and her whole story was changed. Though the first two births did not work out nearly how she had desired, the seed was planted, and Ginny’s perception on birth was forever changed.
- Small changes can add up to massive results. Ginny discussed how after simply “getting through” her third pregnancy/first homebirth, she was ready to start making changes during her next pregnancy. She was able to head off her pre-eclampsia symptoms with liver support and appropriate nutrition, and her labor was dramatically shortened.
- And then… Ginny learned that birth was her responsibility. She took complete control in her final homebirth, and that 95 minute experience taught her so many lessons. We are always responsible for our birth, but when we recognize that and actually capitalize on it— what an incredible difference it can make in the lives of our entire family.
- And finally, simplicity is so beautiful. Ginny simplified her birth through unmedicalizing it, and she simplified her life by putting the focus on spending time in nature. The real nectar comes from the basics, and Ginny’s life is a glorious testimony to it.

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Encore: Elizabeth’s Peaceful Surprise Twin Homebirth
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
- I love that Elizabeth brought up the ridiculousness of due dates. Number one, they’re not even a good average of first time labors. Number two, why? Why must we assign this additional stress to our bodies and our babies when they’re simply just trying to grow and work together?
- Elizabeth brought up some great points regarding the immediate postpartum, and just how… not conducive the hospital can be to bonding, and not even conducive to healing or establishing our milk supply— nutrition is so important, and jello just doesn’t really cut it…. You know, unless it’s grass-fed gelatin made at home, which is actually my favorite.
- One of my favorite aspects of Elizabeth’s final labor was when her midwife so tenderly read her affirmation and scripture cards to her. I’m sure it was such an encouraging moment in her labor.
- And finally, my friends…birth is a mystery. Sometimes it unfolds similarly to what we expect, and other times we birth a surprise second breech baby. No matter how it presents itself (pun intended), birth is so beautiful, and so transformative. And mamas, we can do amazing things.
- Okay my friends, that’s all I’ve got for you for today. Before you hop off, would you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your instagram stories? Tag happyhomebirthpodcast and purqelyparsons and tell me your favorite takeaway from this episode!

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Encore: Birth as a Rite of Passage with Dr. Rachel Reed
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Encore: Homebirth is a Team Sport
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023